Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Taiwan Visit

8/15 to 8/18/13, Taipei, Taiwan

13년만에 대만으로 돌아갔다. 4일간 엄청 놀았다. 정신없이....시간이 모자랐다.
여러가지것을 했지만 대북한국학교와 청년공원을 가본것이 가장 중요했다.

동해랑 같이갔는데 둘다 봤을때 딱 느낀게 '학교가 이만큼밖에 안컸어?' 였다. 참으로 작았다. 어릴땐 이 운동장이 얼마나 컸는데.....뛰어다니면서 도마뱀 잡고.....
6시 즘에 갔는데 학교 대문은 잠겨있엇다. 아무도 없었다. 방학이어서 그런가?
학교 바로 뒤에있는 우리 집.
등교하던 기억데로 따라 가보니 나왔다. 기분이 참 묘했다. 아침마나 개 똥 피하느라 땅만 보고 다니던 그길.....
(근데 몇층인지는 기억이 잘.....8층? 6층?)

 드디어 꿈에서만 보이던 청년공원을 다시 직접 보게되었다. 조금 조금씩 변했지만 또 많은것들이 기억데로 였다. 학교처럼 모든것이 작아보였지만 지금 봐도 상당히 큰 공원이다. 참 아쉬운건....그 옛날의 연못이 없어젔다는것.....그냥 벽돌바닥의 공터였다...헐ㄹㄹ 이럴수가....거기서 올챙이 잡고 자라 잡고 민물 게도 있었는데...

대만 아침이다. 4일간 너무 많은것을 맛으로, 냄새로 돌아왔다. 이름이다 눈으로는 기억이 잘 안나는것도 먹어보면, 아....이맛! 기억나! 했다. 그리고 길가다 나는 냄새들도 마찬가지....참으로 신기하고 묘한 4일이었다. 언제 또 와보나.....이번엔 13년이나 안 걸리길......

Summer 2013

To reflect back on my college senior year, it wasn't the best.
I finished alright, but it was so hard mentally. I just read my previous post, and it sounds as if I was depressed haha. (or maybe I was at the time...) Maybe because I had such an awesome summer (South Africa, bicycle tour) coming into senior year, everything seemed unimportant and menial. I felt like I was wasting time. Even when friends wanted to hang out, everything sounded so lame. So I became lame and did nothing. Meh. Did not like the way I spent my last year. Could have been much more fun.

Now I have been working as an intern at in Korea. Its been about a month and a half now. At first, everything was new, so it was quite interesting. Now, its just boring again. I don't wanna go to work. It's really hard trying to stay awake for 8 hours a day when I have lost all interest in what I do I work. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I do enjoy participating in Fasketball (Fasoo company basketball club). It's held every Monday at a middle school gym, and I can't believe Monday has become the day I look most forward to. I'm always disappointed at my performance because I think I can do better,  but its fun. I think it helped me to improve my court vision. I am dreading the last 3 weeks of internship, yet I am saddened that I have only 3 Mondays left with Fasketball. sigh.....

I also enjoyed getting to know the two interns that sit near me in our team. 창원 and 재성. They are in their Junior year, but a year older than me. But that's fine, since I'm used to being friends with 90s. They told me a lot of stories about their experiences in the army.

I can't believe how busy I have been lately, in Korea. I thought I would be so bored, with not many friends around, but I've been surprisingly busy. Meeting up with few friends I have, 회식, relatives, etc. I should look for China jobs, but I just wanna rest and do nothing because I'm so tired all the time.

I should write more often. Cheers.